LAST NIGHT, TYRA Banks announced that America’s Next Top Model would end after this season.
The show, which has aired since 2003 and ran for 22 seasons, will air its final episode on December 4th.
It’s truly an end of an era for reality television fans, so we decided that we’d round up some our favourite ANTM tropes…
1. The girls would scream with excitement while reading out a pun-filled Tyra Mail about the photo shoot
2. And then spend ages trying to decipher what it means
“She said weapon? Do you think she’s going to make us dress as soldiers?”
3. Every episode would feature somebody who was an “expert” in, like, posing or voguing or walking
Remember Benny Ninja?
4. Tyra would just put on a British accent for absolutely no reason
Usually when introducing Nigel Barker, but often she’d just do it for the hell of it.
5. In fact, Tyra did a lot of accents :|
6. One of the contestants would loudly announce, “I’m not here to make friends!” and it was the highlight of every season
7. Sorry, but remember how stressed out you would be when the girls were on their go sees?
8. That said, you never knew who the designers actually were
Oh well!
9. At least one contestant would endure intense hair drama
Who can forget Brittany weeping about her monster weave?
Poor Brittany.
10. The photoshoots were, eh, something alright
“Girls, this week we’re taking photos in an abattoir.”
Sure, why not.
11. Every so often, Tyra would eat the head off someone and you’d clap with glee
12. You lived for J. Alexander’s sass
13. And you desperately wanted Jay Manuel to be your friend
Always a source of zen in difficult, trying moments <3
14. Meanwhile, the less said about Tyra’s vocabulary, the better
Remember “smize”? And “booch”? All Tyra creations.
And let’s not speak of “drekitude”.
Stop trying to make drekitude happen, Tyra! It’s not happening!
14. But one thing you could always count on? Tyra uttering this immortal phrase…
Congratulations, you're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
We'll miss you, ANTM.